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Mar 21, 2023

Step into spring carefully


As the seasons change, you should consider the different hazards they bring.

Ice and snow-covered areas from winter are now becoming wet, slippery and muddy other hazards that weren’t present are showing themselves. 

Take this opportunity to brush up on are proactive steps you can take to increase safety, courtesy of CREB®’s Critical Illness Benefit Society (CIBS). 

  • Watch for ice (it can still be present).
  • Beware of clutter, materials and equipment not used in other seasons.
  • Slow down and give yourself plenty of time to get from place to place.
  • Choose your footwear with care.
  • Monitor the weather and changing conditions so you know what to expect.
  • Do the penguin shuffle. Walk flat-footed. Take short steps to maintain your center of balance over your feet. Keep your head up and don’t lean forward. Walk slowly.
  • Assume that all wet, dark areas on the pavement may be slippery or icy. If you can, walk around them.
  • Don’t text or talk on your phone and walk at the same time.
  • Keep your hands out of your pockets to help keep your balance.

Don’t spring so quickly

Be sure to plan accordingly. Don’t jump into spring so quickly that it could increase risks, such as:

  • Removing snow tires too early. 
  • Get your wipers checked. Winter takes its toll on your wiper blades. In fluffy snow, you might not notice the wear and tear, but when heavy rain hits, a worn-out wiper blade could impair your visibility.
  • Spring is when potholes become a serious problem. Between the plows, salting and harsh weather, potholes can grow to impressive sizes. The best you can do is to avoid them at all costs before they’re patched up.
  • Shovel and apply ice melt as necessary to keep walking areas clean and dry.
  • Keep an umbrella in your car, just like you would keep an ice scraper during the winter.
  • Check the air pressure in your tires frequently. Temperature fluctuations in the spring can mess with the balance of all four tires and increase your chance of an accident.

Stay safe! To learn more about CIBS, please visit CREB®Link.


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