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Hong Wang

Oct 17, 2023

Advocacy update: CREA PAC Days

CREB® REALTORS® bridged the gap between housing consumers and lawmakers through federal advocacy efforts at CREA’s Political Action Committee (PAC) days.

From Oct. 15-17, CREB® REALTORS® joined forces with 450 PAC representatives from across the country to meet with Members of Parliament (MPs) to discuss Canada’s housing supply crisis and issues affecting Canadians across the housing spectrum. 

“We are thankful for our volunteers in CREB®'s Government Relations Standing Committee (GRSC) for making the time to be part of this initiative,” says CREB® Chair Christian Twomey. “Your advocacy efforts and dedication play an important role in the future of housing in Calgary and beyond.”

It's important to note that consistency in our collective messaging is key to drive the change that housing consumers desperately need, and so we’re putting forward the following recommendations:

1. Permanent National Housing Roundtable

CREA recommends the establishment of a permanent national housing roundtable to bring together housing stakeholders. This will help address the housing crisis through an inclusive, holistic approach that emphasizes collaboration, innovation, and policy coordination.

2. Housing Supply and Infrastructure

CREA recommends leveraging federal infrastructure funding with municipal, provincial, and territorial partners requiring the creation of more housing supply.

3. Immigration and Housing

CREA recommends developing a housing workforce immigration strategy to attract tradespeople from abroad, while streamlining the immigration process for qualified professionals willing to work in the construction industry.

PAC Days allow the REALTOR® community to advocate for policies that address housing challenges in communities across the country, and includes a blend of panel discussions, workshops and direct meetings with local MPs.


CREB® REALTORS® meet with Official Opposition Leader Pierre Poilievre at the Canadian Real Estate Association’s
PAC Days in Ottawa.


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