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Member Practice Rules and Regulations

Oct 24, 2023

Introducing the Administrative Review

At CREB®, we understand that errors can happen and that sometimes rules might not perfectly fit specific situations. But what do you do when you find yourself facing a notice that doesn't seem right? How can you ensure your perspective is considered and your voice is heard?

In the ever-evolving world of real estate, mistakes can occur even for the most seasoned professionals. Whether you're a newcomer or an industry veteran, the constantly changing landscape of the real estate market keeps us all on our toes.

We are thrilled to introduce the Administrative Review, a valuable opportunity for our members to initiate a review and share information regarding a CREB® rule associated with a sanctioned listing. Our Member Practice department has established this review process to facilitate constructive communication and enable members to express their concerns effectively.

How to access the Administrative Review:

  • Upon receiving a notice, members will find a URL link at the bottom.
  • Clicking the link takes you to an online form where you can provide specific information from the notice and explain your reasons for the requested review.
  • Members have 30 calendar days to submit the form before the link expires and the violation becomes final.
  • If the review request is submitted within the two business days specified on the notice, the MLS® Listing will not be withdrawn, allowing for internal review.
  • For requests submitted after the listing has been withdrawn, members should follow the notice's instructions to correct and reactivate the listing. The review result will determine if the sanction remains or is removed from the member's record.
  • To ensure fairness, an administrator not involved in the initial notice issuance will review the request.
  • Review outcomes are final and will be communicated via email.

The Member Practice department has always been available to speak with regarding received notices, which will not go away. While our Member Practice department remains accessible for questions and concerns via phone and email, this new review process offers a formal and comprehensive evaluation for summary offence notices. It allows members to address potential errors or situations where additional context might have prevented the notice altogether.

We believe the Administrative Review will serve as a valuable tool, fostering education and best practices within our community. We recognize the dedication of our members in providing exceptional service to their clients and developing their businesses. Your success matters, and your input is crucial.

If you have any inquiries or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Member Practice at or 403-781-1336. Your feedback matters, and we're here to support you every step of the way.


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