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Sep 5, 2023

REALTOR® safety month


Protect yourself against cyber scam artists.

Cyber scams and attacks are becoming more common. As a REALTOR® you have a heavy online presence to conduct business, which could make you a target for these attacks.

As technology develops, scams are becoming more believable, and cybercriminals can trick people into giving up the information needed to launch an attack. These attacks are one of the hardest to protect against because the scammer doesn’t need technical skills and they can use persuasion to gain access to a system.

Visit the following sites for resources on REALTOR® safety:

• AREA safety app 


• NAR REALTOR® Safety 

• SentriKey™ Agent Safety

In addition to the resources above, SentriLock is offering a REALTOR® safety webinar on Sept. 28, at 1 p.m. that is open to all members.

Protect yourself against cyberscam artists


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