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Public Hearing on Blanket Rezoning CT Banner

Apr 30, 2024

CREB® engages in rezoning talks at City Hall


If you’re following the public hearing on blanket rezoning, hopefully, you were tuned in Saturday evening when CREB® took to the podium. 

Represented by Ann-Marie Lurie, CREB®’s Chief Economist and Marco De Iaco, CREB®'s Public Director on the Board of Directors, the key message delivered to the City Council underscored the complexity of the housing supply challenge and emphasized the inadequacy of blanket rezoning as a solution.  

Here's a recap of CREB®'s key points presented at the hearing: 

  • Local real estate dynamics: CREB® reiterated that real estate is local, with each community having unique characteristics and needs. A blanket rezoning approach fails to consider this diversity, potentially leading to negative impacts on community character, property values, and overall quality of life for residents. 
  • Evidence-based solutions: Emphasizing the importance of evidence-based solutions, CREB® highlighted the lack of conclusive evidence supporting the effectiveness of blanket rezoning in addressing housing supply and affordability challenges. The organization stressed the need for targeted zoning measures and sustainable development practices tailored to specific areas and community needs. 
  • Transparency and community engagement: CREB® called for transparency and extensive community engagement in the decision-making process regarding zoning changes. The organization advocated for respecting the rights of property owners and community associations, emphasizing the importance of collaboration with stakeholders at all levels. 
  • Alternative solutions: In lieu of blanket rezoning, CREB® proposed exploring alternative solutions such as comprehensive neighbourhood plans, the creation of a Community Land Trust for affordable housing, utilization of municipal-owned land parcels, and the promotion of secondary suites and laneway housing. These solutions offer practical and sustainable ways to expand housing options without compromising community integrity. 

Overall, CREB®'s participation at the public hearing underscored our commitment to advocating for responsible and community-centric approaches to addressing Calgary's housing challenges.  

The organization's call for evidence-based decision-making, collaboration with stakeholders and respect for community input resonated strongly during the discussion. Our efforts reinforced CREB®'s role as a strong advocate and voice for CREB® members and demonstrated our role as the go-to organization for information and knowledge on the housing market.

>> Click here to watch CREB®’s presentation at the public hearing (presentation begins at 10:19:35 & Q+A begins at 10:37:10). 


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