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CREB campus

Aug 6, 2024

Welcome to the CREB® Campus!


We are thrilled to announce that renovations are complete, CREB® Campus is open for business, and CREB® employees have moved back in!

Our teams are still in the process of setting up all the amenities, but we currently have the business centre up and running for you. Come for a visit and take advantage of the complimentary printing, Wi-Fi, desks, private offices and meeting rooms. Free coffee and tea will be available later this week.

Meeting rooms, with capacities for six to 14 people, can be booked online by clicking here.

Private offices are available for daily drop-in on a first come, first serve basis. 

Print up to $5 of free printing per month. Review this how-to guide to set up your Campus printing account.

And, as always, our friendly front desk staff are here to help you and the REALTOR® store is well stocked.

Hours: Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

We will continue to provide updates as more amenities and services become available at the Campus. Please check out the Campus Hub for more information and reach out to with any questions.

Save the date

The CREB® Campus Grand Re-Opening event is set for Sept. 25 and we’d like to see you there! The day will be filled with snacks, tours and celebrations. Keep an eye on CREB® Talk for the registration link in the coming weeks.


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