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Calgary Reno Show

Dec 17, 2024

The perfect gift for your clients


‘Tis the season to give. Why not show your clients your appreciation with tickets to the Calgary Renovation Show? This buzzing marketplace will take place on Jan. 10-12, 2025 at the BMO Centre.

As the one-stop shop for all things renovation, your clients can discover and shop the latest home-related products and services, learn from Canada’s home improvement specialists, and explore fascinating displays showcasing upcoming trends. 

Our exclusive member discount tickets are $8 each, marked down from $13. 

By purchasing tickets, you’re not only treating your clients but also supporting the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation's community investment initiatives on behalf of REALTORS® like you. For every ticket redeemed, $3 dollars will go to the foundation.

Please note that a minimum order of 20 tickets is required, but you will only be charged for what is redeemed after the show.

Looking to add a more personal touch? For a courier fee of $15, you can have hard-copy tickets mailed to you. Members who request hard copy tickets are responsible for distributing them.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to treat your clients to a weekend filled with inspiration, creativity, and thoughtful home advice from the industry’s brightest professionals.

Order Tickets Orange


If you have questions, please read our FAQ, or contact

For more information on this year’s Calgary Renovation Show, click here.


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