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Hong Wang

Feb 20, 2024

Amplify our voice: Join CREB®'s advocacy against blanket rezoning

Last week, we shared our concerns regarding the City of Calgary's proposed blanket rezoning initiative as part of its housing strategy for 2024 to 2030. Since then, we have been diligently advocating for your interests and concerns on this critical issue.

As your representatives on the Government Relations Standing Committee (GRSC), we have taken proactive steps to ensure your voice is heard in discussions with city officials. Our letter to the City of Calgary outlines CREB®'s stance against blanket rezoning. It emphasizes the need for a more nuanced approach to addressing housing affordability while preserving the integrity of our neighbourhoods.

Now, we need your help to amplify our message and make a difference in shaping Calgary's housing strategy. If you share our concerns and endorse our stance against blanket rezoning, we encourage you to take action:

  • Share our letter with your Councillor: Let your elected representatives know where you stand on this issue. Encourage them to consider CREB®'s perspective and advocate for responsible zoning practices that benefit property owners and communities alike.
  • Provide feedback to the city: Share your insights and concerns directly with the City of Calgary through Your input as real estate professionals is invaluable in shaping policies impacting our industry and city.
  • Participate in Council's public hearing: Consider attending Council's public hearing on April 22 to show your support for responsible zoning practices. You can also register to speak at the hearing and directly address the Council with your concerns and recommendations. If attending in person isn't feasible, you can submit written feedback, which will be published in Council's agenda and shared with all members of Council. Visit to learn more about how you can engage in this important process.
  • Amplify our message: Spread the word among your networks, colleagues, and clients. Together, we can raise awareness about the potential implications of blanket rezoning and mobilize support for targeted strategies that address our city's housing needs more effectively.
  • Sign a petition: Consider adding your name to a petition that closely aligns with our recent advocacy efforts against blanket rezoning in the city. Your signature can contribute to the collective effort to safeguard our neighbourhoods. You can sign the petition at the following link: Stop the Rezoning of West Hillhurst Petition

By standing together and speaking with one voice, we can make a meaningful impact on the future of Calgary's housing landscape. Your active participation in this advocacy effort is crucial, and we are grateful for your support.

As the situation evolves, we will continue to keep you updated on any developments and opportunities for further engagement.


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