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Professional Development

Feb 27, 2024

Take control of your professional development


In alignment with the Listening value from CREB®’s 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, the Training team has prioritized two new initiatives to give members greater autonomy over their learning experience.

  1. Course/event cancellation button

    Finally, you can self-cancel for upcoming training and events with the click of a button – no need to call or email. Click here for instructions.

  2. Course suggestions page

The Training team provides timely and relevant professional development for all CREB® members. Whether in-person, online, or on-demand, there are various avenues to explore training and educational content currently available including CREB® Courses, Speaker Seminars, eLearning, Webinar Recordings, and Microlearning.

Now, you can request training topics directly from the training team by completing a simple form.

Member Training - Course suggestions

If the topic you request already exists in CREB®’s catalogue, you can expect to be notified of how/where to access it. If not, the training team will add it to their list of priorities.

Commit yourself to advancing your knowledge every week, every month, and every year. The CREB® Training team is here to pave the way!


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