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Hong Wang

Feb 13, 2024

CREB®'s advocacy on blanket rezoning issues

As your representatives on the Government Relations Standing Committee (GRSC), we are committed to advocating for your interests and concerns on critical issues impacting the real estate industry in Calgary.

The City of Calgary recently proposed a comprehensive rezoning initiative, commonly known as "blanket rezoning," as part of its broader housing strategy for 2024 to 2030. Understandably, this proposal has sparked significant concerns among our members regarding its potential implications for the local housing landscape and property values.

In response to these concerns, the GRSC has been diligently working to address the issue of blanket rezoning with city council. We firmly believe that zoning decisions should be rooted in community-focused considerations, preserving the uniqueness of our neighbourhoods while addressing the pressing need for housing affordability.

To this end, we have submitted a formal letter to the City of Calgary outlining CREB®'s stance on blanket rezoning and advocating for a more nuanced approach to tackling the housing shortage. We encourage all members to read the letter, which can be accessed here.

Our letter underscores the importance of sustainable zoning practices, prioritizing growth balance, and environmental responsibility. We oppose blanket rezoning and advocate for targeted strategies that uphold property owners' interests while meeting our community's housing needs.

We are actively engaged in dialogue with city officials, participating in information sessions, and seeking opportunities for meaningful consultation to ensure that your concerns are adequately represented.

As the situation evolves, we will update you on any developments and opportunities for further engagement.

The GRSC is committed to advocating for your interests and ensuring that your voice is heard on matters of importance to the real estate industry in Calgary.

We encourage you to participate in this process by sharing your feedback with the City through As professionals invested in Calgary's real estate market, your insights can make a difference in our city's housing strategy.


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