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Alan Tennant CREB Chat

Jan 2, 2024

Is CREB® competing with RASCA?

We are well aware of the commentary among some members that weighs the value of membership in CREB®️ versus other nearby boards, such as the REALTORS® Association of South Central Alberta (RASCA).

CREB® is an independent organization with a unique value proposition that will appeal to some RASCA members and, in fact, many of RASCA’s 86 members (AREA 2022 Annual Report) already belong to both CREB®️ and RASCA.

For some current CREB®️ members, RASCA may be a viable alternative to suit their business needs and as we all know, having choice is a good thing. I was a hard-working REALTOR® for over 26 years, so I know firsthand how much better I became as my competition advanced.

So, why the fuss? Well, some members see continued access to ShowingTime™ and RASCA’s decision to start supplying their members with SentriLock keyboxes as the opportunity to end their CREB® membership and become members of RASCA, with the possible presumption that a reciprocal agreement between CREB® and RASCA Lockbox systems was in place. 

Although some boards utilize the same SentriLock Lockboxes, each entity has an independent agreement with SentriLock to create a Lockbox system for their subscribing members. Neighbouring boards can choose how and when to provide access to non-subscribing members. 

CREB® does provide free access to our system to members from other boards and more information on how CREB® members may access lockboxes from other boards can be found here. However, CREB® support for Lockboxes, like all of our tools, is for our members alone.

In the meantime, since there are growing conversations on this topic, it is important to maintain perspective. We have strong long-term relationships with all our neighbouring boards.

Last week we confirmed that we terminated two minor agreements with boards we do not neighbour with in Hinton and Lloydminster. The article entitled Conclusion of SentriLock® reciprocity agreements explains how CREB® ended these two reciprocal agreements and that we did not have an agreement with RASCA.

Will we enter into similar reciprocity agreements in the future? Possibly. Chair Twomey has asked the RASCA board of directors to provide a proposal. Any such proposal would go to our Member Services Innovation Standing Committee (MSISC) for a recommendation to the CREB® board of directors. As we always do, decisions will be based on consideration of how CREB® members can prosper and the long-term effects on the value of CREB® membership.

We recognize that some members may have different business needs, preferences and priorities, and if they find what they're looking for in other organizations, we respect their decision.

Our commitment is to our renewing members who value the extensive benefits we provide, including unparalleled economic analysis, real-time content support on CREB®Link, practice assistance, secure IT support, the best training and professional development in the province, superb networking events and volunteer opportunities, critical illness support, a philanthropic presence in the community and local advocacy on CREB® REALTOR®️ issues. 

We will be working hard during membership renewals to ensure members fully understand the differences between both organizations and what products, services and supports will end should they decide to terminate their CREB®️ membership. Our goal is to ensure that our renewing members know exactly what they are getting from us and that we are always working to get better.

We have found over the years, that members who are serious about ending their CREB®️ membership call our Members Service Centre (MSC) to learn more about the impacts and process. Our MSC team assists members, like they always do, and the facts are explained to support informed decision-making. 

It is important to note that RASCA has advised CREA they wish to dissolve into AREA (CREA Board of Directors minutes Oct 18/19 2023). For some time now AREA has been providing Executive Officer (EO) services to RASCA (and three other boards). For some, the appearance of RASCA dissolving into AREA may look similar to what we went through with the proposed consolidation with AREA in 2023.

A major difference is that AREA and CREB® jointly announced to all Alberta REALTORS® in October of 2022 that the consolidation was under consideration and that the impacted members, from CREB®, would be making a decision on March 15, 2023. The first we learned of RASCA’s desire to dissolve into AREA was reading the CREA meeting minutes.

Another key difference between these two processes is that no other Alberta board has the capability and market reach to fully service CREB® members. CREA requires board support in a dissolution process to be provided by a neighbouring board ‘where available’ and it was unfeasible for our neighbouring boards to replace services to CREB® members.

This was what drove the innovation of the proposed self-funded CREB® Foothills Region Council, a sub-entity of AREA that would have delivered on the promise of CREB® members becoming direct members of AREA but not being a draw on AREA’s existing resources.

So, the answer to the headline is that we are in competition for members, but we’ve been approaching our work under that assumption for many years. Depending on your perspective, we are competing with RASCA to achieve our one and only goal – to enhance, promote and protect the interests of our members, as we should.


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