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cocktails and compliance

Jul 22, 2024

Join us for our first-ever Cocktails & Compliance event

CREB® is thrilled to announce our inaugural Cocktails & Compliance event on Aug. 22. This free networking event promises a unique blend of professional development and socializing, making it an opportunity you won’t want to miss. 

Event details:

Date: Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024

2:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Location: CREB® Campus (300 Manning Rd NE)

Speaker session: Know the limits - Privacy during showings, in advertising, and when transacting

Chadwick Newcombe from Kahane Law Office

During this informative session, you will:

  • Learn about privacy laws during property showings and transactions.
  • Understand the do's and don'ts of filming or livestreaming property tours.
  • Gain insights into handling personal property and private information in real estate.

Key takeaways:

  • Essential provisions of PIPA for REALTORS® to protect themselves and their clients.
  • Guidelines on filming and taking videos during property showings.
  • What information can be shared during transactions and what must remain confidential.
  • Tips for avoiding accidental privacy law violations.
  • Potential consequences of privacy law breaches.

About the speaker:

Chadwick Newcombe, a litigation lawyer at Kahane Law, brings a wealth of experience in commercial and employment litigation and alternative dispute resolution. With extensive representation in various courts, including the Alberta courts, the Federal Court of Canada, and the Supreme Court of Canada, Mr. Newcombe is well-versed in the legal standards and practices that REALTORS® need to know. In addition to his legal practice, he is an instructor, coach, and mentor, contributing significantly to the professional development of law students and practitioners alike.

Why attend?

Professional development: Enhance your skills and knowledge.

Learn from an expert: Gain valuable insights from Chadwick Newcombe on real estate privacy laws.

Interactive Q&A session: Get an edge over your competition by having your questions answered by a subject matter expert.

Network with peers and industry partners: Build connections with like-minded REALTORS® and local businesses in a professional yet relaxed atmosphere.

Enjoy the event: Socialize while enjoying three food and cocktail pairing stations, as well as non-alcohol options.

Explore the campus:
Tour the newly renovated CREB® Campus and explore the new space.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to learn, network, and enjoy a memorable evening with your peers. Sign up today to secure your spot—we look forward to seeing you there!



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