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Jun 11, 2024

How CREB® can help you handle unprofessional REALTOR® conduct


Most of us have experienced those moments when someone's behaviour leaves us wondering, "How did this person even get licensed?" Whether it's REALTORS® going silent mid-conversation, agents avoiding commission payments, or associates trying to steal your clients, these situations can be incredibly frustrating.

Perhaps this reminds you of an incident you've faced. How did you handle it? Did you know that CREB® can help you address these issues?

You can improve the industry by reporting such issues to CREB® for formal review to determine if the member's behaviour violated any rules. CREB® members, like their clients, deserve to work in an industry that upholds REALTOR® integrity and professional standards. Our Bylaws, Rules and Code of Ethics, which every member agrees to upon joining, support this commitment.

For over 25 years, the CREB® Member Practice department and Professional Standards Assurance Team (PSAT) have been reviewing complaints and assessing outcomes. The PSAT, a group of specially trained CREB® members, is here to support you. They evaluate situations like these to determine if any bylaws, rules, or codes have been violated and impose appropriate penalties if necessary.

Our Member Practice staff continues to hear about the challenging behaviours our members encounter. Brokers also work together to resolve issues reported by their associates. While venting about unprofessional behaviour might provide temporary relief, proactive measures are needed to prevent these actions from recurring. If you believe a member has broken a rule or acted unethically, don't just talk about it—take action to stop it from happening again.

Here’s an overview of our professional standards formal complaint process:

 Professional standards formal complaint process 

All members can file a complaint online using CREB®’s Complaint Submission Form. While we encourage our members to engage with our communications, such as social media or CREB®Talk articles, please refrain from posting any allegations or referring to past, current, or potential future complaints you have or may become involved in.


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