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ROTY Corinne Lyall

Jun 24, 2024

Greatness and gratitude go hand-in-hand


Corinne Lyall began carving her path in real estate at the age of 25. To help compensate for her relative lack of experience, she became committed to volunteering and learning about the industry as much as she could. 

Throughout her career, this commitment to real estate, education and helping others has only grown. So much so that she was recently named the 2023 REALTOR® of the Year - T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award recipient.

“This award meant a great deal to me because my mom, Jan Lyall, was also a recipient in 2010,” Lyall says. 

“Jan mentored me to be appreciative of not only the real estate industry, but also of the opportunities to be a leader in the communities in which you contribute and serve.”

Every year, this award recognizes a CREB® member who exemplifies a person of character with outstanding professionalism, integrity and leadership.

Some of the ways that Lyall embodies these values are through her focus on doing everything with intention, at a professional level and with authenticity. This is reflected in the way she builds relationships, helps others, and solves problems.

“Corinne is a relationship builder who recognizes that many of us have the same goals, but not always the same thinking,” says Nettie Hendricks, Chair of the REALTOR® of the Year–T.W.H. Saunders Award Committee. 

“She strives to bring people together through her authentic and enthusiastic approach to problem-solving and sharing her knowledge to help lift others in their journeys.”

Over the past 25 years, Lyall has volunteered in multiple roles across different boards and organizations, including RECA, AREA, CREA and several CREB® committees, the CREB® REALTOR Community Foundation and the CREB® Board of Directors.

“When I looked at the awe-inspiring volunteer history that she (Lyall) has within and outside of the real estate industry, I was humbled by her record of giving selflessly for the betterment of others and I knew in my heart that this person was truly worthy of this prestigious award,” adds Hendricks.

For Lyall, participating as Chair on many boards and committees has been crucial to realizing that one needs to look at the larger vision of where an industry or community is evolving. 

“That way, you can help influence it positively,” she says.

This dedication to community service has had an impact both on Lyall’s career and personal life.  

“You can create positive action by volunteering your time towards an outcome. For example, building sandwiches for kids’ lunches can ultimately influence those kids to do better at school and have healthier lives,” she says. 

“You are part of that equation when you volunteer to help, and I love that.”

Throughout her career, Lyall has received many accolades for her participation and service in various organizations, but she considers her time as a CREB® president one of her most significant contributions. 

“My theme was building relationships,” she says. “I wanted REALTORS® to treat each other respectfully, and for different levels of organized real estate to have more communication.”

Currently, Lyall serves as Chair of the Pillar 9™ Board and has been involved in RECA’s Residential Real Estate Education Advisory Committee, which seeks to see an improvement in course competencies and exams. When it comes to community work, her term on the board of the Calgary Entrepreneur's Organization is ending soon, so she is looking forward to novel opportunities to give back. 

As the 2023 REALTOR® of the Year - T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award recipient and a professional with over 25 years of experience, Lyall advises aspiring real estate professionals to think beyond their license, educate themselves to learn more about the industry, and to build relationships within the industry and communities they serve.

“Real estate is a large asset to most people and deserves agents who are willing to be resourceful and increase their knowledge,” she says.  

“You will also be much more fulfilled and successful as a human if you get engaged in volunteerism.”

Finally, the secret ingredient that keeps pushing Lyall towards greatness? Gratitude.

“If you have an attitude of gratitude every day, you’re already on the road to success.”

The REALTOR® of the Year - T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award was created in memory of Thomas William Henry Saunders (1903 to 1977), a truly outstanding CREB® member who inspired others with his professional excellence and commitment to bettering the community.

To learn more about the CREB® REALTOR® of the Year – T.W.H. (Bill) Saunders Memorial Award, including a full list of past winners, please click here.



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