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Dog Jog Money Raised CT Banner

Jun 3, 2024

Thanks for helping us improve dogs' lives

On behalf of CREB® staff, thank you to all members who contributed to Calgary Humane Society’s Dog Jog fundraiser. 

With your support, we raised a total of $3,060.10 towards life-saving programs for dogs focused on education, protection and rehabilitation. 

Some of these programs include:

Cruelty prevention and public awareness

Humane education in our local schools and community

Animal rehabilitation (both medical and behavioural)

Creating a brighter future for the vulnerable animals in our community

By providing a donation, you helped give vulnerable companion animals a new beginning.

So now, here are some pictures from the Dog Jog on June 1:

Dog Jog Team 2024

CREB® staff and their family, friends and furry companions.

Gray Schnauzer Ryley proudly wears a CREB® bandana

Schnauzer Ryley proudly wears a CREB® bandana


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