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Jun 14, 2024

CREB® and PSAT's approach to member disputes

The CREB® Member Practice team supports members facing negative experiences with other members. When issues related to the CREB® Rules and REALTOR® Code of Ethics arise, we inform members of their options for resolution.

Depending on the nature of the issue, we may advise members to speak with their broker. Brokers work together to understand and resolve issues, and if they can't, they can help associates file a complaint with CREB®

Click here to see our complaint process 

If a complaint is filed and the Applicant (the member submitting the complaint) requests further review, the Member Practice team involves the Professional Standards Assurance Team (PSAT) to manage the next steps, such as an investigation. Complaints go through various phases and follow different timelines as they progress.  

Our PSAT supports CREB®’s Strategic Plan to Enhance Professional Standards. Here's a summary of their work from January to March 2024: 

 Number of new complaints   14 
 Number of complaints about CREB® Bylaws, Rules and REALTOR® Code of Ethics   10
 Number of complaints that have an investigation started   2
 Number of penalty hearings held   1 
 Number of inquiry hearings held   0
 Number of show cause hearings held   2
 Number of appeal hearings held   1

Any member can file a complaint online using CREB®’s complaint submission form

Are you interested in learning more about the REALTOR® Code of Ethics? Access the free CREA course here. The course is available to all REALTORS® and Unlicensed Assistants registered with a board. 

For any questions about the complaint process, please contact the Member Practice team at 403-781-1336 or


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