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Blanket Rezoning City of Calgary

Mar 26, 2024

A housing coalition in opposition to blanket rezoning

CREB®'s Government Relations Standing Committee (GRSC) is seeking partners to jointly advocate against blanket rezoning.  

First, we are partnering with past president Sano Stante to enhance our advocacy efforts. Some members may already be aware, but Sano recently co-authored a research paper on blanket rezoning entitled “The Unassailable Case Against Blanket Rezoning.” The paper analyzes the pros and cons of the City’s proposal and offers a series of alternative recommendations for the Council to consider.

The GRSC has thoughtfully engaged with stakeholders since the Feb. 13 distribution of our press release opposing The City’s proposal which garnered significant media attention and propelled deeper discussion on blanket rezoning in the public domain.

Our team has connected with CREB® members and volunteer leaders, City officials and planning administrators, community leaders and associations inside and outside the real estate industry. We are framing our collaborative approach as a housing coalition on blanket rezoning.

It’s also worth noting that while we diversify our approach to voice concerns and make important connections with elected officials, we are also realistic about the possibility of the blanket rezoning proposal being approved by the Council after the public hearing on April 22.

Given the outcome of the recent plebiscite motion, the vote could likely be similar when the rezoning motion is tabled. This isn’t to say we won’t continue to emphasize our position at every opportunity; it simply means we are keeping one eye on the long term while we work to advance our near-term priorities. To assist us in maximizing our municipal advocacy efforts on behalf of CREB® members, CREB® recently entered into a consulting agreement with Global Public Affairs.

Please also consider submitting your feedback on the City’s proposal on blanket rezoning and/or participating in the upcoming public hearing. Click here to view the letter submitted to the City by CREB®'s GRSC. As we continue our efforts to oppose blanket rezoning, we recognize the importance of targeted advocacy to influence key decision-makers. Members residing and/or working in Wards 5 or 6 have a unique opportunity to reinforce CREB®'s position on blanket rezoning by reaching out to Councillors Pootmans and Dhaliwal.

These councillors are seen as potential swing votes on this issue, and your engagement could play a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of the upcoming public hearing on April 22.

Your voice matters, and we encourage you to advocate for responsible urban development practices.

If you are interested in working with us or can recommend another potential partner for the housing coalition on blanket rezoning, please get in touch with Jason Yule at



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