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Real tips Realtor Safety

May 6, 2024

Safe selling - Safety tips for REALTORS®


As we are amid the spring market and the summer market fast approaching, personal safety should be a top priority for all of us. 

The surge in market activity brings a higher volume of client interactions and property viewings, which presents both opportunity and possible risk to CREB® members.

With the potential for encountering unfamiliar clients and visiting various properties or communities you may not have explored over time as a real estate professional, your personal safety is of utmost importance to us!

Whether you are a REALTOR®, property manager, or unlicensed assistant, implementing a safety strategy is vital for safeguarding your well-being and maintaining a safe working environment. The following are some recommended measures you can implement into your practice to mitigate risk and ensure your personal safety at all times.

1. Pre-screen clients

Before meeting with clients for showings or open houses, pre-screen them by verifying their identity and obtaining their contact details. Further, looking into your clients' social media accounts is also a great way to gauge if they are who they say they are.

It is strongly recommended that this first meeting between you and your clients be in a public place; whether that be at your office or out for a coffee, it is important to have people around you in case an issue arises.

Given the numerous inquiries you'll receive, it is crucial to operate with utmost diligence and vet all potential clients. This thorough vetting process is a key step in ensuring your safety and the security of your business.

2. Bring a buddy

Whenever possible, consider implementing the buddy system! Sometimes, you may be hosting an open house, doing an evening viewing with a new client, or perhaps conducting a viewing for a rural property with limited cell service.

Asking for the presence of a colleague not only increases safety but also provides a sense of security and support in case there is an emergency.

3. Inform others of your whereabouts

Always let someone know your whereabouts and schedule. Whether that be your colleagues, family or friends, it is important to communicate your plans to others.

Sharing information like where you will be and when the appointment is set to go is a great strategy for ensuring your safety. Consider creating regular check-in times with your support system so they can confirm that you have left an appointment safely!

4. Stay visible and accessible

During open houses or showings, be sure to keep exit doors unlocked and remain visible to all visitors. It is important to position yourself to maintain constant awareness of your surroundings.

By staying visible and accessible, you deter potential threats and create a welcoming environment for visitors! Additionally, avoid turning your back to clients or entering secluded areas with clients, as this may leave you in a vulnerable position. Instead, position yourself so that you have a clear line of sight to both clients and the exit.

5. Secure valuables

Although it may be enticing to wear your luxury watch or bring your expensive purse for a viewing, these items can attract the attention of thieves and jeopardize your safety!

It is recommended that members look to cover up or leave behind valuables that might attract the attention of bad actors. This advice should also be given to your clients. Before showings or open houses, advise your clients to remove or lock away any valuables they might have lying around their home.

6. Be aware of your surroundings and trust your gut

Whether in the midst of a viewing or walking to your car after meeting with a client, it is important to be vigilant of your surroundings. Pay attention to the behaviour of clients, visitors or other individuals that may be lingering around your location.

Trust your instincts. If a situation feels uncomfortable or suspicious, look to exit the premises immediately and seek assistance. It’s better to err on the side of caution than to risk your safety!

7. Use a safety app

Utilize a REALTOR® Safety app! These apps offer various features to enhance personal security, including GPS tracking, emergency alerts, and distress notifications. Several apps are available for iPhone and Android, which are excellent additions to your safety measures.

Check out this AREA article, linked here, for more information on using a safety app.

Enroll in safety training

Make use of free training available through CREB® and CREA. CREA offers a REALTOR® Safety eLearning module, which you can take any time on-demand, and CREB® offers in-person safety training each year to coincide with REALTOR® Safety Month in September.

Scott Simon will present a personal safety and situation awareness workshop this year at CREB® on September 12. Check the upcoming courses page on CREB®Link in June/July for further session information and registration details.

Ensuring safety is crucial for REALTORS® operating in Calgary’s real estate market. By adhering to these tips and maybe adding a few of your own, CREB® members can navigate their work confidently. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts and prioritize personal safety to ensure a successful and secure experience for all! 


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