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Planned Software Outage CT Banner

May 14, 2024

Secondary suites map will be unavailable


The City is upgrading software that will temporarily affect access to some of Planning & Development Services’ online tools. This includes the secondary suites map and the development map, which will be out of service from May 17 at 5 p.m. until May 21 at 8 a.m.

Many of our members support their clients and verify listing information using the online secondary suites or development maps.

If you are planning on listing a property during this outage, you are still required to verify all information being added to the MLS® System.

If you are representing a buyer and need to verify information about a secondary suite or development during this outage, you may need to request this information from the seller (along with any official documents to support the information).

The list below includes other City of Calgary software impacted by this outage. If this will affect you or your clients, be sure to access the applications on before the outage.

Affected systems and applications: 

•        Inspections Booking   
•        Shopping Cart   
•        Online Services (myHome, myBusiness)   
•        Apply Central   
•        ePermits   
•        eTrades   
•        VISTA   
•        UDO (Urban Development Online)   
•        DMAP (Development Map)   
•        BIS (Business Information System questionnaire)   
•        PDS Customer Survey   
•        DART Directory   
•        POSIDEN   
•        CASPER   
•        Secondary Suites Map 

The system used to book inspections online will also be affected. Please click here to book your inspections prior to this planned outage.

If you have any questions regarding the impacts of this upgrade on PDS applications and systems, please contact the Planning Services Centre by clicking here.


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