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CREB Scholars Heather Rusi CT Banner

May 28, 2024

Investing in changemakers

CREB® would like to congratulate Heather Rusi for receiving the Karen Gammie Graduate Scholarship in 2024.

As part of her first year in the Doctor of Nursing Program at the University of Calgary, Rusi’s research focuses on the commercialization of human milk, targeted towards vulnerable infants in the neonatal intensive care setting. 

“My goal is to make policy and guideline recommendations to improve regulations for the human milk industry, which will ultimately improve equity, ethics, and safety of these products for the most vulnerable infants,” Rusi says. 

“I believe that my doctoral education will help me succeed in making a positive impact in pediatric health, particularly in the intensive care setting.”

The Karen Gammie Memorial Fund was established by the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation to recognize 1989 REALTOR® of the Year and Foundation past-president Karen Gammie and her contributions to organized real estate and the community.

Before her successful career as a REALTOR®, she served her community working as a nurse. For this reason, the scholarship is awarded to a student in a full-time, course-based graduate nursing program with a stated interest in pediatric nursing. 

“My sincerest thank you for supporting my academic endeavours in pediatric health nursing through this financial award,” adds Rusi.

For more information about CREB®’s scholarship programs and endowment funds, click here.



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