To my fellow members who have voiced your support for our current and former directors – THANK YOU! I applaud your courage to stand up to whomever “Anonymous” is. I am so grateful for your support of my colleagues who are also my dear friends.
Those of you who know me know that I prefer to think the best of everyone. It is hard for me to imagine that anyone would be mean spirited enough go out of their way to hurt any other individual and especially target the individuals who currently volunteer or have volunteered on their behalf.The creator(s) of Anonymous’s Facebook post took time to search private Facebook pages for the photos which would further their false accusations, download the photos from a private Facebook page, which they did not have permission to do, and then crop the photographs to focus on the individuals they wished to attack, and then fabricate a story and create a social media post which denigrates, insults and slanders kind and dedicated individuals. To what end?
Since the day I started on the board in 2019, CREB® members have always been at the center of every decision. Ironically, it was the 2023 Board comprised of these individuals, including myself, which was instrumental in changing CREB®'s travel policies to only pay for director travel expenses and not their guest.
So, thank you to all who have sent texts, emails, and either called or left voicemail messages, especially those who have shared your support publicly on the Facebook page where “Anonymous” posted.
For those of you that have questions or suggestions, please reach out to us and as we do with any other member inquiries, we will do our best to answer your questions. Please form your own opinion of how we govern our organization and how our management runs the day-to-day operations.
Many of you have reached out asking why we don’t defend ourselves, why this form of bullying and defamation is tolerated. Soon you will see a purposeful and intentional defense that supports our volunteer leaders and staff, protects their mental health, and refutes false claims. CREB® will not condone this behaviour – enough is enough.
It is my sincere hope that our members will see that there is massively more support for our volunteers than there are those who wish to tear them down. Volunteering for our organization is a worthwhile and fulfilling endeavor and when one of us is unfairly challenged, we have GREAT members who will defend us.
Susanita de Diego
CREB® Board Chair-Elect