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2024 Community Grant Discovery House

Oct 29, 2024

More than a shelter, a safe haven


Last fall, Kali stepped into Discovery House with her firstborn child, determined to break the cycle of a 10-year abusive marriage. It was the beginning of a whole new journey.

She was met by an outreach worker and later assigned a caseworker. Their warmth and kindness made Kali feel immediately at home.

The Discovery House team provided Kali and her son with clothes, food, gift cards, counselling sessions and resources such as transportation and baby supplies.

At the same time, they provided love, support and kindness through women’s meetings, childcare, birthday parties, and activities throughout the year.

“For once in a very long time, I felt safe again,” Kali says. “Every member of the Discovery House team became our safe place. These wonderful people went over and above for us.”

For over 40 years, Discovery House has become more than a shelter that provides support, security and structure. It is a haven that allows women and their children to imagine a different reality, one that is free from abuse and violence. In 2023, the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation granted Discovery House $25,000 to further this important work.

Mothers receive counselling, support, and attend programs to ensure they can build a better future for themselves and their children. A key focus of the organization’s work is to help children heal from their trauma to live their best lives and to prevent the cycle of domestic violence from repeating.

When Kali’s son arrived at Discovery House, he struggled with low self-esteem, had constant nightmares, and couldn’t express himself, affecting his ability to form relationships.

She says that after working with a child and youth case manager, her son has been able to make friends, better communicate his feelings, and form strong bonds. His academic performance improved, and he even received several awards at school.

When it was time for Kali and her son to transition back into the community, Discovery House accompanied them all the way through the process.

“It felt like I had a village working with me. Even after we moved out, we weren’t left alone,” she says. “We received referrals for food hampers, immigration consultations, and more.”

Nowadays, Kali is working as a healthcare aide and intends to pursue a career focused in helping others. She was awarded a bursary for school through Discovery House.

“I would like to be a ray of hope to someone, having been a recipient of great support myself,” she adds. “There is no way I can write my story without mentioning Discovery House. I thank all donors and wish to let them know that because of the love they spread, people like me got our voices back.”

The CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation Community Grant, of which Discovery House was a recipient in 2023, helps support major repairs and renovations to existing housing or shelter supply, with the goal of keeping people housed in their communities.

“This generous gift creates safe spaces that are hopeful, inspiring, and dignified, and will ensure that Discovery House can continue to support women and children for decades to come,” says Leslie Hill, Executive Director, Discovery House Family Violence Prevention Society.

The CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation is empowered by the support of our members — the community of REALTORS® who live, work and give back here.

You can strengthen your support and help create new housing, keep people housed, and improve housing quality for Calgarians in need by joining our Friends of the Foundation program. Click here to become a Friend.


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