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Women's History Month 2024

Oct 7, 2024

Women's History Month


October is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the women and girls from our past and present who have and continue to contribute to our society.

Today, we want to recognize the late Grace Turley.

After applying to an ad seeking an “experienced real estate man”, she became Calgary's first female commercial REALTOR®.

Further adding to her list of firsts, Turley became CREB®'s first female director of the board and served in the position from 1975 to 1978.

Turley's dedication and determination earned her the CREB® Competition for Most Sales award six times. In 1975, she joined the MLS® Million Dollar Club, received the Award of Merit in 1977, and a 50-year service award from CREB® in 2006.

Currently, over 30% of CREB®’s membership is composed of women, and exemplary women like Grace Turley keep opening doors and breaking glass ceilings to create an environment where women REALTORS® are given more opportunities to thrive, grow their businesses, and make a positive difference in their communities and beyond. 

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