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Grant Recipient_IFTC

Oct 15, 2024

Your impact at Inn from the Cold

For over 25 years, Inn from the Cold has helped vulnerable families find stability during hard times. The 2023 Community Grant from the CREB® REALTOR® Community Foundation helped Inn from the Cold support 1,371 families this year. 

Families at risk of homelessness were able to access safe and affordable long-term housing at the Journey House Affordable Housing Complex.

The grant went to safety improvements at the Journey House Affordable Housing Complex, so the complex now has secure balconies and a retaining wall. This has allowed families to feel secure and comfortable, which is something they may have lacked before moving into their new home.

A little goes a long way for grant recipients. REALTOR® support for the Foundation has enabled Inn from the Cold to reach and support more families in Calgary amidst the housing crisis.

A special thank you to the Friends of the Foundation for their additional support each year, your impact reaches families across the city. 



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