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Realtor Safety 2

Sep 9, 2024

Safety comes first – REALTOR® Safety Month


As a REALTOR®, you put yourself in potentially unsafe situations all the time when conducting work. It is critical that you take the safety precautions to ensure you make it home to family, friends and pets every night.

With September being REALTOR® Safety Month, now is a good time to think about the steps you take to stay safe and maybe even take one of the courses below to learn some new ways to keep yourself safe.

CREB® Courses

Safety Strategies for REALTORS® (In-person) - Register

Date: Thursday, Sept. 12, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

In this special presentation, Scott Simon, first responder for over 25 years and REALTOR® for 14 years, explores effective strategies to mitigate safety risks and empower you to handle any situation with confidence.

What you’ll learn:

  • Reading People: Develop the skills to recognize indicators of someone with ill intent.
  • Situational Awareness: Enhance your ability to assess and interpret any scenario.
  • Vulnerability Awareness: Identify when you're in a vulnerable situation and learn strategies for graceful exits.

Safety Tips and Techniques for REALTORS® (ProDio Audio Training) - Register

For the entire month of September, CREB® members can access an exclusive REALTOR® Safety Training audio course for FREE!

This engaging course offers invaluable safety tips and techniques, featuring real-life stories from fellow associates and re-enactments by professional voice actors. Whether you're driving, cooking, or tackling household chores, you can multitask while boosting your safety skills. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your safety.

CREA Course

Cyber Security with CREA - Register

Cyber security isn’t always considered when people think of safety. Being smart with what information you share on the internet protects confidential information, banking details and personal details. Check out this safety course from CREA to learn more about protecting yourself online.


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