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Jan 6, 2025

New tool alert: CREB® REListCheck™ coming soon!

We’re thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of CREB® REListCheck™, a self-audit tool designed to simplify compliance with MLS® Standards!

Set to launch soon, this innovative tool alerts listing agents to potential rule violations one business day before our Member Practice Team’s review, allowing you to make any needed adjustments to fix common listing mistakes proactively. 

If the system flags a potential error in your new listing, you’ll receive an email alert from This will give you a heads-up to correct it before any review takes place. 

CREB® REListCheck™ scans active listings for common listing mistakes such as: 

  • Accidentally entering a half-duplex (semi-detached) property as a full duplex. 
  • Forgetting to add the necessary disclosure to describe the legality of a suite. 
  • Mistakenly selecting a 1-level apartment unit as having multiple levels. 

Why use CREB® REListCheck™? 

With REListCheck™, you can quickly catch potential listing error issues, fix them to minimize rule violations, and elevate the MLS® System data integrity.  

Stay tuned for the launch, and get ready to take your listing compliance to the next level. We can’t wait for you to try it out! 


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