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Jan 14, 2025

Let's Talk Strategy: Member engagement sessions

We need your input to help shape CREB®’s strategy and future priorities.

We’re currently working with a group called Prime Strategic Planning to develop CREB®’s next strategic plan. They will be engaging a variety of stakeholder groups to capture their unique insights and perspectives on what we do as an organization and how we do it.

The largest of those groups are you, our members. You are why we do what we do, and your input is critical to ensuring CREB® is positioned to meet your needs now and in the future. So, to make sure we get input from as many members as possible, we’re holding three Let’s Talk Strategy sessions. To book your preferred session, click the date below. (Space in all sessions is limited.)

There is no specific preparation needed for the engagement sessions. The format will be a Q&A-style interview with a representative from Prime and is meant to be conversational.

This is our first big step in the process. Thank you in advance for all of the exceptional knowledge and insights that you will share. If you have any questions, please contact


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