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Christian Twomey Image

Nov 29, 2022

The advantages of consolidation

We scratched the surface in our announcement to CREB® members, and while we prepare for more robust communications in the New Year, we wanted to reinforce the main advantages (key drivers) of the consolidation plan with AREA.

#1– Forward thinking

Local Organized Real Estate (ORE) (boards and Associations) is seeing increased pressures from external tech and data companies that aim to disrupt the industry. We stand to counter new and inbound competitors by putting members first and looking forward as a collective industry. This is how Alberta REALTORS® remain industry leaders. The structure we are proposing is more efficient and effective and positions us well for the future.

#2 – One voice

Consolidation would allow members to speak through "One Voice.” The consolidation of volunteer and staff leadership means more consistent and clear messaging on behalf of the members. One strong voice is already being acknowledged in this consolidation plan by board and association executives across the country - they can see the power in this idea, and we will soon be able to prove it.

#3 – Nimble decision making

Consolidation would allow CREB® and AREA to quickly make a unified decision for members. Currently, there is our provincial association (AREA) and 10 other boards across the province. To make decisions, the 10 boards and AREA all have to get together and get on the same page, which has proven to be unduly time consuming and often inefficient.

The new AREA will be an organization that senses an issue and can quickly determine the best solution and then launch a carefully designed strategy to make it happen - A profitable future for Alberta REALTORS® demands this ability.

#4 – Choice

AREA will be able to offer two board service levels to members, including "Premium" and/or "Core" bundles. Each member will have the ability to choose the service level that they require to build and maintain their own business.

#5 – Cost

In consolidating two organizations into one, we have the opportunity to reduce duplication and thereby reduce overhead costs, which may be passed onto members. Costs will also be reduced by increasing the number of users of existing CREB® services and having a larger base from which to introduce new services. The key takeaway here is that there will be no interruption to the member service experience.

Both the AREA and the CREB® boards of directors have worked closely over the past several years to find a way forward that is best for the members and the industry. The vote is March 15, 2023, and the consolidation would happen at the end of 2023, provided the membership approves.

As we move into 2023, members will all be given more information to digest and help make a very informed decision. I’m excited for the opportunity to lean into this project in the months ahead. Next week we will be able to provide more details on member town halls and broker summits, so stayed tuned.

Christian Twomey


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