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Christian Twomey Chair

Apr 18, 2023

The Directors promise

In last week’s CREB® Chat, I discussed how our bylaws establish the Board of Directors' role as the organization's stewards on behalf of its members. 

I also provided some detail and examples of the role of policy in providing clear and supportive structures.

An important aspect of our governance framework is the Director Code of Conduct which can be viewed in the CREB® Governance Manual, available here on page 116. Some of the key elements of the Director Code of Conduct are:

  • Directors must carry out their duties honestly, in good faith, and in the best interests of the
  • ·organization.
  • Directors must declare in a timely manner any contentious issues that may or will cause
  • embarrassment to the Board of Directors or undermine the confidences of CREB®’s membership.
  • Directors must declare in a timely manner any conflict of interest that may arise.
  • Directors must keep confidential all information as indicated by the Board through the approval of a motion. When uncertain about a matter of confidentiality, Directors must seek direction through a motion to the Board.
  • Directors must honor and observe the organization’s bylaws, rules and regulations and roles & responsibilities and policies approved by the Board of Directors.
  • Directors should support the policies and decisions that are approved by the organization.
  • Directors must not exert their individual authority to speak for the organization when they interact with staff, the community, the press and other entities, unless given this authority by the Board.
  • All Directors must sign and agree to the following before they can commence their term;
  • the Director Duties Agreement (Appendix G), and
  • the Director Code of Conduct (Appendix G), and
  • the Director Pledge of Confidentiality (Appendix G), and
  • their applicable job description(s) (Appendix M)

The role of a Director is challenging, but the responsibilities on behalf of the membership require a unique commitment that not all individuals are comfortable making. The fact is that most CREB® members who have served as a Director have had no challenges with the Director Code of Conduct. Universally, all who have served on our Board of Directors have expressed what an honour it is. With such an honour comes duties and obligations that are well known in advance and dutifully upheld.

I am hopeful that an understanding of a Director’s obligations is well known by all candidates in the upcoming Director By-Election. Nominations close at 4 p.m. on April 20, 2023; I look forward to learning who among us is up to this challenge.

The CREB® Governance Manual is available here for all members to reference.

If you have any questions about policies and documents in the CREB® Governance Manual, please get in touch with CEO Alan Tennant or me. 


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