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Christian Twomey Chair

Aug 8, 2023

An update on CREA and Openn Offers

It is my responsibility, as Chair of CREB®, to keep members informed about important developments with the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA).

Continuing our efforts to update you on the ongoing concerns with CREA, I would like to shed light on recent events and share our next steps.

As mentioned in my previous article, there have been some developments involving CREA's approach to managing technology and their increasing involvement in the transaction process.

The point of concern is the Openn Offers project, which has transitioned from a pilot project to full-scale adoption without adequate opportunity for input from real estate boards. Our reservations stem from the fact that CREA has partnered with a third-party entity that appears to prioritize commercial interests over the benefits it offers to our members. This raises questions about the intrusion of CREA into the transaction process, which has always been the responsibility of local boards in Canada.

We believe in fostering a cooperative relationship within the industry and stand by our commitment to representing your interests. In light of these issues, we have been working with all the other real estate boards in Alberta and the provincial Association to collectively address the Openn Offers situation and voice our concerns to CREA.

Click here to view the letter sent to CREA on behalf of the provincial Association and the ten local Alberta Boards/Associations. Please understand that our concern is focussed on Openn Offers because they were the firm CREA initiated this project with. Our concern centers on the use of in a manner that could significantly impact the transaction process.

It is essential that we inform you about CREA's response to our letter. They have stated that the Openn Offers pilot project aims to provide greater transparency to consumers regarding the offer process via However, our stance remains firm, as we believe this move conflicts with our local business practices and may lead to challenges for our members.

Click here to view CREA’s response to the letter.

As we move forward, we encourage each of you to join us in fostering a generative discussion about CREA's stewardship of and the expectations of our national association at the practice level.

Moreover, I want to personally invite you all to participate in upcoming Town Hall meetings on August 31 and September 22, where we can directly engage with you and listen to your concerns, suggestions, and ideas. These meetings will allow us to work together towards a prosperous future for all members.

Additionally, we are excited about the possibility of CiYC (CREB®️ in Your Community) brokerage visits. These visits are designed to strengthen the bond between our leadership and our members, fostering open discussions and enhancing our support for your real estate business.

In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a couple of key thoughts: First, we believe that Openn or similar products can be adopted by brokers directly for use on their websites. However, whenever is involved, we strongly urge CREA to engage in a meaningful way with boards and associations. Secondly, we are hopeful that by engaging members in this matter, we can encourage discussions about the expectations we have of our national association at the practice level.

Your support and active participation are invaluable as we navigate these challenges. Together, we can achieve positive change and a more cooperative relationship with CREA. Our new strategic plan has one and only one strategic priority, and we believe our actions on your behalf must always enhance, promote and protect your interests.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to seeing many of you in the upcoming Town Hall meetings.


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