Three years later, she was the inaugural recipient of the Glenna Marshall-Roth CREB® Rookie Volunteer of the Year Award, created to recognize an outstanding new volunteer who shows dedication to their community and who wants to have a positive impact on CREB® and Calgary.
“Coming from Venezuela, I value my voice and vote. And I believe that to truly make an impact, you have to get involved,” Ávila says.
“Volunteering with CREB® has helped me understand things that I otherwise wouldn’t have without my involvement. For example, it has helped me understand the bigger picture while allowing me to see how small decisions add up to an end goal. All while witnessing the need and value that good governance has on organizations and their members.
Having served on the Governance Excellence Standing Committee as well as on the Joint Member Communication Task Force, what Mariangela has learned by volunteering has benefitted her personal and professional development.
“Thankfully, I have gained the wisdom and ability to understand that as much as we try and our intentions be good, we can’t please everyone,” she says. “I’ve also seen the impact of miscommunication and how easily the true message can get missed or lost in translation.”
She has also learned that clients appreciate her involvement in CREB®’s committees and other task force groups, whose work has reached the Board of Directors.
But it hasn’t all been smooth sailing. At first, it took Ávila some time to adjust to the formality of the meetings and familiarize herself with the CREB®’s many acronyms.
However, she saw the initial discomfort as an opportunity for growth.
“It’s important to realize that you’re there for a reason,” she says. “Speaking up where I can provide value or a different perspective has helped me gain confidence in knowing that I have something to contribute that is worth sharing.”
For Ávila, the sky is the limit. But for now, she’s excited to continue contributing to the real estate community through volunteering and governance work.
“I still have so much to learn and I know that eventually I’ll be ready to get more involved and have a deeper impact,” she says. “I have so much respect for everyone who puts themselves out there, as this is work that comes with dedication and responsibility, but also with scrutiny.”
Finally, Ávila encourages people to listen to their intuition and to go ahead if they’re considering getting involved in volunteer work.
“Generosity comes in many different ways, depending on your life stage,” she says. “Whichever way you can give back is always appreciated and leaves a bigger impact than you think.”