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Christian Twomey Chair

Feb 6, 2024

CREB® announces dues rebate

CREB® is pleased to share that a one-time dues rebate of $150 is being provided to all eligible members in 2024.

A key factor in CREB®’s ability to provide this rebate is the sharp rise in last year’s membership numbers, which far surpassed budget expectations, and as a result, drove revenues to exceed budget by a considerable margin.

We have the capacity to continue to provide best in class products, services, and support to our members, while ensuring our reserves are in a healthy range, so this decision is the sustainable right choice.

The net result of operating revenues over expenses is a surplus of approximately $1.7 million, from which approximately $1.1 million is being directly returned to CREB® members through the rebate.

Members can expect to see the $150 rebate in their accounts in the coming weeks.


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