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Nov 20, 2024

CREB® denounces unfounded misappropriation claims in Facebook group

Many of you have become aware of a post that appeared on the Facebook group “Calgary Realtors Uncensored but Still Civil”.  The message appeared anonymously on Saturday Nov.16, alleging the misappropriation of members’ funds.

To be clear – nothing can be further from the truth and there has been no misappropriation of member funds.

Thank you to a respected member of our community who offered us these words of support: “These claims are not only unsubstantiated but also contradictory to the core values of honesty, integrity, and transparency that have always been fundamental to CREB®’s leadership”.

Assumptions have been made by the individual who posted anonymously and by a few who have made comments about the post. 

There is an assumption that Facebook groups are not public. This is False.

When this post was approved there were four administrators on the Facebook page. One of the administrators is not a member (retired). Therefore, the very administration of this group included a member of the public. 

Please be aware that posts like this, which are not based on facts, can have serious consequences.

The Calgary Real Estate Board will pursue any breaches to the REALTOR® Code, CREB® Rules and Provincial Practice Rules to their fullest extent. Moreover, CREB® will be referring any potential breaches of the Real Estate Act to the Real Estate Council of Alberta and any breaches of legislation to the appropriate authorities.

We will be fully pursuing this situation and will not rest until it is resolved. 

Christian Twomey
CREB® Board Chair 



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